Thursday, November 28, 2019

U.S. Budget Deficit - Good Or Bad Essays - Fiscal Policy

U.S. Budget Deficit - Good or Bad? ?Spending financed not by current tax receipts, but by borrowing or drawing upon past tax reserves.? , Is it a good idea? Why does the U.S. run a deficit? Since 1980 the deficit has grown enormously. Some say its a bad thing, and predict impending doom, others say it is a safe and stable necessity to maintain a healthy economy. When the U.S. government came into existence and for about a 150 years thereafter the government managed to keep a balanced budget. The only times a budget deficit existed during these first 150 years were in times of war or other catastrophic events. The Government, for inezce, generated deficits during the War of 1812, the recession of 1837, the Civil War, the depression of the 1890s, and World War I. However, as soon as the war ended the deficit would be eliminated and the economy which was much larger than the amounted debt would quickly absorb it. The last time the budget ran a surplus was in 1969 during Nixon's presidency. Budget deficits have grown larger and more frequent in the last half-century. In the 1980s they soared to record levels. The Government cut income tax rates, greatly increased defense spending, and didn't cut domestic spending enough to make up the difference. Also, the deep recession of the early 1980s reduced revenues, raising the deficit and forcing the Government to spend much more on paying interest for the national debt at a time when interest rates were high. As a result, the national debt grew in size after 1980. It grew from $709 billion to $3.6 trillion in 1990, only one decade later. Increase of National Debt Since 1980 Month Amount -------------------------------------------- 12/31/1980 $930,210,000,000.00 * 12/31/1981 $1,028,729,000,000.00 * 12/31/1982 $1,197,073,000,000.00 * 12/31/1983 $1,410,702,000,000.00 * 12/31/1984 $1,662,966,000,000.00 * 12/31/1985 $1,945,941,616,459.88 12/31/1986 $2,214,834,532,586.43 12/31/1987 $2,431,715,264,976.86 12/30/1988 $2,684,391,916,571.41 12/29/1989 $2,952,994,244,624.71 12/31/1990 $3,364,820,230,276.86 12/31/1991 $3,801,698,272,862.02 12/31/1992 $4,177,009,244,468.77 12/31/1993 $4,535,687,054,406.14 12/30/1994 $4,800,149,946,143.75 10/31/1995 $4,985,262,110,021.06 11/30/1995 $4,989,329,926,644.31 12/29/1995 $4,988,664,979,014.54 01/31/1996 $4,987,436,358,165.20 02/29/1996 $5,017,040,703,255.02 03/29/1996 $5,117,786,366,014.56 04/30/1996 $5,102,048,827,234.22 05/31/1996 $5,128,508,504,892.80 06/28/1996 $5,161,075,688,140.93 07/31/1996 $5,188,888,625,925.87 08/30/1996 $5,208,303,439,417.93 09/30/1996 $5,224,810,939,135.73 10/01/1996 $5,234,730,786,626.50 10/02/1996 $5,235,509,457,452.56 10/03/1996 $5,222,192,137,251.62 10/04/1996 $5,222,049,625,819.53 * Rounded to Millions Federal spending has grown over the years, especially starting in the 1930s in actual dollars and in proportion to the economy (Gross Domestic Product, or GDP). Beginning with the "New Deal" in the 1930s, the Federal Government came to play a much larger role in American life. President Franklin D. Roosevelt sought to use the full powers of his office to end the Great Depression. He and Congress greatly expanded Federal programs. Federal spending, which totaled less than $4 billion in 1931, went up to nearly $7 billion in 1934 and to over $8 billion in 1936. Then, U.S. entry into World War II sent annual Federal spending soaring to over $91 billion by 1944. Thus began the ever increasing debt of the United States. What if the debt is not increasing as fast as we think it is? The dollar amount of the debt may increase but often times so does the amount of money or GDP to pay for the debt. This brings up the idea that the deficit could be run without cost. How could a deficit increase productivity without any cost? The idea of having a balanced budget is challenged by the ideas of Keynesian Economics. Keynesian economics is an economic model that predicts in times of low demand and high unemployment a deficit will not cost anything. Instead a deficit would allow more people to work, increasing productivity. A deficit does this because it is invested into the economy by government. For example if the government spends deficit money on new highways, trucking will benefit and more jobs will be produced. When an economic system is in recession all of its resources are not being used. For example if the government did not build highways we could not ship goods and there would be less demand for them. The supply remains low even though we have the ability to produce more because we cannot ship them. This non-productivity comes at a cost to the whole economic system. If deficit spending eliminates non-productivity then its direct monetary cost will be offset if not surpassed by increased productivity. For example in the 1980's when the huge deficits were adding up the actual additions to the public capital or increased productivity were often as big, or bigger than

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Gucci Group Essays

Gucci Group Essays Gucci Group Essay Gucci Group Essay Executive Summary Gucci Group is a luxury goods retailer focusing on improving their market share while producing high quality fashionable items. Initially, Gucci’s poor business strategy and internal family conflict directly resulted in decreased sales and net income. When Investcorp took control of the company, Gucci regained their success through quality management and acquisitions. Gucci’s product line now includes a large range of products. We would like to continue Gucci’s success and believe that the next major business decision for Gucci is how to manage the new acquisitions. We recommend that Gucci cease further acquisitions of companies to its portfolio and should not challenge the status quo by making big management changes at the group of companies that it has acquired. This will help sustain growth in different segments and maintain an existing customer base. Introduction Gucci Group’s iconic red and green stripe, as well as their G logo, has been associated with luxury, elegance and glamour since 1923. Once a family owned leather goods store, Gucci has expanded worldwide and increased its product mix to include other luxury goods such as purses and shoes. Gucci’s business operations lacked experienced leadership since family members controlled business decisions. The market for luxury goods had become fiercely competitive and Gucci’s lack of business strategy had caused them to lose market share to their close competitors, Moet Hennessy-Louis Vuitton, Hermes and Prada. Gucci financial status had fallen while their competitors had increased their sales and operating margins (Exhibit 4). In 1993, Investcorp bought the remaining shares of the Gucci family and placed the necessary management personnel to help turn around Gucci’s struggling business. : Through a series of acquisitions and business line decisions, Domenico De Sole, President, and Tom Ford, Creative Director, help re-invent Gucci’s brand line and established a firm financial foothold for the company. Gucci acquired three major companies: Yves Saint Laurent Couture, YSL Beaute, and Sergio Rossi to create four divisions of Gucci Group while also generating $3 billions in cash. In the early 1990’s, Gucci’s core customer was a matured, conservative, wealthy woman but the company decided to change their business line to capture the market on the younger, more ashion conscious individual. Identification and Justification of Key Strategic Issue Gucci, as previously mentioned, has evolved from a family business into a global corporation. Along this evolution, Gucci has encountered many challenges. One of the key challenges faced by Gucci is preventing a buyout from one of it’s main competitors, Moet Hennessy-Louis Vuitton, Hermes. In order to prev ent being acquired, Gucci has taken the path to acquiring other companies, and this is the key strategic issue that is challenging them moving forward. Do they continue this path of acquisitions with the capital they have on hand or not. Another key strategic issue that had adversely affected Gucci in the past was streamlining their supply chain and distribution operations. This is related to their key strategic strategy of acquisition. As they acquire companies, they will face the same challenges they have had in the past. Identification and Evaluation of Alternatives Below are the strategic recommendations regarding the future position of the Gucci Group and its new acquisitions. All of these alternatives are mutually exclusive business strategies, and we have evaluated each alternative’s pros and cons should Gucci choose to implement it. Alternative 1: Keep separate management structure and freeze new acquisitions. As of 2000, each of Gucci Group’s new divisions – Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent Couture, YSL Beaute, and Sergio Rossi – had its own management structure. A president or CEO of each of the divisions reported to Domenico De Sole. Our strategic recommendation is to continue managing the newly acquired brands independently while holding off on further acquisitions for now. Pros: Having separate management that ultimately reports to De Sole allows the new divisions to maintain the integrity of each brand and avoid brand dilution, while keeping the overall control of the company in the hands of one man who has proven to be a positive influence on the company. We can also leverage the strength and popularity of the Gucci brand to gain distribution for the smaller names, much like how LVMH leveraged Louis Vuitton’s popularity. By holding off of new acquisitions, Gucci can learn to handle the four brands they currently have before adding extra brands. Cons: Four brands with their own management structure may prove to be difficult for De Sole to wrangle, as the managers could bring their own management styles that may not mesh well with De Sole’s style. With the current hold on acquisitions, Gucci may miss out on opportunities to acquire strong brands. Alternative 2: Increase acquisitions in a number of diverse companies. Most luxury brands have been family-owned or -controlled and, consequently, were single-brand firms for the most part. However, mergers and acquisitions have been growing in the industry, with LVMH leading the way. Our strategic recommendation is to follow LVMH’s lead and acquire a multitude of diverse companies to build the Gucci portfolio. Pros: Family ownership of the Gucci Group had dissolved with the drama and tragedy that plagued the Gucci family, so moving away from the ‘family-owned, single-brand’ system seems like it would strengthen and stabilize the company. Depending on the acquisitions the company makes, Gucci Group could potentially become a lifestyle brand for luxury customers to go to for a diverse set of needs. Cons: If the Gucci name becomes associated with lower quality companies through poorly chosen acquisitions, the Gucci brand could be in jeopardy. Becoming a multi-brand company may take away the focus and attention that each brand, including Gucci, needs to continue being successful. Moreover, acquiring multiple companies now before Gucci management is comfortable with the acquisitions it has already made may be too much too fast for the company. Alte rnative 3: Extend Gucci brand through diffusion lines. Extending the brand through diffusion is another strategic recommendation that would help Gucci increase sales. Pros: With Gucci diffusion lines, the company could target different market segments while maintaining their core business. Extension lines have been successful for competitors such as Emporio Armani and their diffusion line of Armani Exchange. Gucci would be able to attract a new clientele while increasing their customer base. Cons: Diffusion lines may weaken the Gucci brand strength overall due to different quality levels. A new line would also incur large initial capital investment and advertising.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Plato's Timaeus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Plato's Timaeus - Essay Example 8). Moreover, it is â€Å"apprehended by understanding rather than senses. According to Platos cosmology, â€Å"the cosmos is the physical world†. Everything will come and pass away and supported by the opinion and perception of sense. Plato describes Cosmos that it became into being and was created with world of forms model, â€Å"The cosmos itself came into being, created using as its model the world of Forms. â€Å"Plato, in naming the Kosmos generation, he was simply trying to bring the fact that the account has less representation of faith in likeness known as the â€Å"likeness of an eternal model" (Plato & Donald, p 7-p. 8). In general, it means that the account is actually not probabilistic. Plato also describes the Cosmos as a living being simply because the Cosmos is based on a living being. Moreover, it is unique as it has souls and spherical shape due to its perfect and beautiful shape. Various presocratic philosophers also support Plato’s Cosmos nature and composition they include Heraclitus, Parmenides, Anaxagoras as well as Philolaus. The relationship between Plato’s and these dialogues from other philosophers has led to the rise of acrimonious and fruitful debate. Heraclitus also tried to examine the Cosmos and its nature, which made him offer a cosmological account concerning the nature of the physical world. He proceeds deeper than the Plato in inquiring and investigating the physical nature of the world (Plato & Donald, p 6-p. 8 ). Being one of the Presocratic philosophers, he further supports the nature of the world as containing an enormous variety of objects that will be, and have always been present. He claims, â€Å"all things on earth simply came from a common source or any other kind of stuff. The statement â€Å"that which always is, is that which becomes† by Plato is in line with the Parmenides passage (B1.30, B8.32-41). Plato also describes that order in every way is always better

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Creating a successful corporate culture after a merger PowerPoint Presentation

Creating a successful corporate culture after a merger - PowerPoint Presentation Example It, therefore, has culminated into a cutthroat type of competition where the aim is to reach the pinnacle in riches and power before anything and anybody else. Since the slots at the top are few and limited in number, short-cuts and illegal means among them fraud and insider trading are sought by any people in this country in their daily bid to realize their dream of greatness. Purpose of the Memo It is thus with a great urge that I write to the chairperson of the Securities and Exchange Commission with proposals whose aim is to minimize cases of fraud, insider trading and unlawful actions by people and business with the intentions of making quick money. The main aim of this proposal is to contribute to the Securities and Exchange Commission’s efforts towards reining in fraudsters and insider trading who plunder other people into poverty. The commission’s efforts cannot be assumed to have been useless in any way since they have prevented most of the cases that would hav e caused damage to the whole financial sector (Mallor, Barnes, Bowers & Langvardt, 2012). It replaces some existent rules and regulations in place since they have evidently failed to rein in the criminals and, most importantly, managing financial crimes as displayed by the 2008 global recession. Findings of numerous research studies on the 2008 global recession indicate that the spending behavior of US citizens and the laxity of the Securities and Exchange Commission are responsible for the recession. It should be put into consideration that the main aim of all regulatory bodies in this sector should be the prevention of the crimes since, as they say, prevention is better than cure. The Current Laws The United States government has made enormous efforts towards handling the issue of financial crimes by setting the Securities and Exchange Commission which has established a number of rules governing the US business environment to see to a balanced business environment for all business participants. Among these rules are those against the illegal type of insider trading and fraudulent activities in general. For instance, Rule 10b5-1 prohibits insider trading by stating that it is illegal for individual to engage in a trade arrangement using non-public information. However, the rule permeates individuals to only trade under special instances in which there is lack of knowledge that the information was non-public. Moreover, the actions of the trader must be in good faith. The second rule by the Securities and Exchange Commission meant to curb illegal insider trading is the Rule 10b5-2. It is a rule clarifying how the misappropriation theory applies to certain non-business relationships. The rule states that individuals with the privilege of access to confidential information have the obligation to maintain the privacy and confidentiality of such information. Persons violating the law are liable for breach of information confidentiality as outlined by the misappropr iation theory. The Securities and Exchange Commission has established several measures targeting at minimizing the level of financial fraud in major areas of the US business industry. These include the use of people who have inside information on the fraudulent cases being undertaken by companies who tip the Securities an

Sunday, November 17, 2019

MUSCULOSKELETAL Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

MUSCULOSKELETAL - Essay Example Factors such as doing heavy physical work may cause degeneration of discs. Obesity, which can be linked to the patient’s lifestyle and the family’s history, may as well cause disc degeneration (Rajasekaran, Venkatadass, Babu, Ganesh, & Shetty, 2008). A thorough understanding of the five factors and how they are interrelated is important in the treatment of the patient. I agree with Christopher Johnson on prioritization of treatment as the best thing to do. This is because it aims at relieving the acute nature of the patient’s injury thereby alleviating pain. This way, his good health will see to it that he can carry on with his activities of daily living. When treated, the patient will be capable of reaching out to his relatives and friends for assistance. The assistance may come I form of meal preparation and transportation to and from physical therapy (Fink, Gebhard, Fuerst, Berger & Schà ¤fer, 2013). The patient’s overweight could be caused by factors such as stress and depression, which can lead to overeating or poor food choices (Mikhael at al., 2013). The patient’s counseling will only be effective if the pain is relieved first. (2013, April). Management of newly diagnosed symptomatic multiple myeloma: updated Mayo Stratification of Myeloma and Risk-Adapted Therapy (mSMART) consensus guidelines 2013. In Mayo Clinic Proceedings (Vol. 88, No. 4, pp. 360-376).

Friday, November 15, 2019

Effect of Alpha-galactosidase on Digestive System

Effect of Alpha-galactosidase on Digestive System Janaaron Aquino    The Effect of the Enzyme, Alpha-galactosidase inside Beano, on the Digestive System Problem To use the alpha-galactosidase enzyme in Beano to examine the effect of the enzyme in the digestive system at different temperatures and to find the glucose concentration at those temperatures which represents the efficiency of the enzyme under the various temperatures. If different temperatures of Beano solution are tested, then the temperatures closest to human body temperature will extract more glucose than other temperatures because of the fact that the human body has adapted to operate at an optimum temperature. Background The human body has several complex systems that fulfill essential goals the human needs to survive. Each system has a different procedure for the body and works individually or with other systems to perform that action. One of the human body systems is the digestive system. There are several steps that come into play when discussing the system, but in short, the  digestive system turns the food that humans eat into energy. In the digestive system, parts and organs include salivary glands, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. Digestion is the breakdown of large food particles into smaller molecules that are easy to absorb into the bloodstream (Gureco, 2015).This experiment focuses solely on the transfer of glucose from food consumed into the body. What does this food do for the human body? The path of the food being digested is as followed. When food enters the mouth saliva helps break it down. It goes down the esop hagus and enters the stomach where it is broken down further by acid in order to be able to extract nutrients from the food. It enters the small intestine where the nutrients are absorbed and goes through the large intestine where water is absorbed in order to create a stool (defecation) so that it can exit the body via the anus. Digestion occurs in which the rate and extent of sugar release from available carbohydrates, by simulating physiological processes occurring in the mouth, stomach and small intestine (Woolnough, 2010). The focal point of this experiment is to examine the glucose concentration with the help of alpha-galactosidase which all takes place in the path of digestion. To start off, the food (or food solution) used in this experiment was a solution of broken down refried beans. The enzyme Beano was used specifically for this experiment because, as the name suggests, Beano is made specifically for digestive assistance with beans. Beans have a tendency to cause stress in the human digestive system. The Beano was used with the refried beans to digest the beans easily. This allows an easy pathway for the glucose to be broken down and for the human body to absorb the glucose. According to a journal abstract written by RJ Levin, The glucose, galactose, and fructose produced are absorbed across the e nterocytes [cell of the intestine] of the upper half of the villus [increase of surface area in order to absorb more nutrients] (Levin, 1994) In more specific terms, foods are carbohydrates called oligosaccharides. In the case of this experiment, refried beans were used as the oligosaccharides. Oligosaccharides are groups of two to ten monosaccharides bonded together to form the carbohydrate. When entering the body, the enzyme called salivary amylase (most commonly known as human saliva) starts the chemical process of digestion of food. The enzyme breaks down the oligosaccharide carbohydrate polymers into monomers called monosaccharides. When oligosaccharides are broken down by digestion, a monomer called monosaccharides are produced. This is because multiple saccharide polymers are broken down into a simple sugar. Included in a humans digestive system are living microbes in the large intestine that carry out the process of breaking down the carbohydrates. These microbes in human in testines are necessary because the body needs to break down the food into monosaccharides to obtain the nutrients needed for processes such as cell repair, growth, and most importantly energy. The breaking down of the oligosaccharides are essential because The biological roles of oligosaccharides appear to span the spectrum from those that are trivial, to those that are crucial for the development, growth, function or survival of an organism (Varki, 1993). However, the refried beans mentioned have starch in which these microbes produce an uncomfortable and bloated feeling like the aforementioned stress that beans cause. Although the following experiment was done on a different species an abstract suggests that mammals that consume soybeans may suffer from a gastrointestinal hypersensitive reactions involving major disturbances in digestive functions (Sissons, 1982). The use of Beano in this experiment examines the effect of the alpha-galactosidase at varying temperatures as the inde pendent variable which assists the digestion of refried beans. The alpha-galactosidase is used to pinpoint the temperature in which glucose concentration is high or low as the dependent variable. Data  and  Observations      Ã‚   Figure Results  and  Discussion The graph illustrates several temperatures in which the solution of Beano and refried beans were tested. Similarities and differences can be observed across multiple of the Beano solution mixtures at the varying temperatures. Some of the lines that represent each temperature stand out more than others. It can clearly be seen that relatively high temperatures of the refried bean solution and Beano cannot extract much glucose from the solution itself. High temperatures that did not have a high glucose concentration included temperatures that ranged from 60oC to 90oC whose maximum glucose concentration did not reach over 0.50%. This outcome can also be predicted for any temperature higher than those experimented with because if 90oC did not extract any glucose, anything higher will do the same. The same outcome can be seen with the lesser temperature of 30oC, in which the concentration of glucose did not reach over 0.50% in the course of 25 minutes. Relatively high and low temperatures of refried bean and Beano solution extracted glucose at a lower rate or did not extract any glucose at all. In comparison, two temperatures of the solution stood out more than the others. The Beano solution skyrocketed at temperatures of 40oC and 50oC. It is clear that these two temperatures were different from the others. The reason behind it? Well the optimum temperature for digestion ranges from 37oC and 44oC. Relatively close to the aforementioned temperatures of the solution, is it not? This is because body temperature is approximately 37oC and this is the temperature in which the body functions best. Temperature gets too hot? Humans get a fever. Temperature gets too low? Humans start to internally develop hypothermia. Both indicate that the body is not fully functional. The temperature of 37oC is closer to 40oC than it is to 50oC. Figure 1 indicates that the Beano solution at 40oC had a higher slope which exemplifies the fact that digestion works best when near the body temperature of approximately 37oC. According to a news website, The body has sensors with memory, or its linked to the brain, and immediately it sense the food in the stomach has temperatures and pH outside the optimum range, it uses the energy and acids stored in the body to regulate the right conditions for the optimum digestion. This further exemplifies why the Beano solution of 40oC and 50oC worked best compared to the other five temperatures. The experiment proves the efficiency and effectivity of alpha-galactosidase inside Beano impacts the rate of glucose concentration of refried bean solution at varying temperatures of 30oC to 90oC. Analysis Oligosaccharides are groups of two to ten monosaccharides bonded together to form a carbohydrate. Carbohydrates are found in all foods that a human consumes. They consist of the sugars, starches, and fibers found in food and are made primarily of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. When oligosaccharides are broken down by digestion, a monomer called monosaccharides are produced. This is because multiple saccharide polymers are broken down into a simple sugar (monosaccharide). The enzyme called salivary amylase breaks down these carbohydrate polymers called oligosaccharides into monomers. Salivary amylase, which is also known as saliva, breaks down starch when chewing food. As food is consumed, saliva inside the mouth starts the process of digestion by breaking down the food as humans chew. This allows the food to be broken down for glucose extraction and also breaking down the food for the esophagus. If food were not to be chewed, it cannot enter the esophagus and if it does, it will be difficult to swallow which can lead to respiratory injuries. In the human body, intestines have microbes that fulfill certain needs for the digestive system. These microbes in human intestines are necessary because the body needs to break down the food into monosaccharides to obtain the nutrients needed for processes such as cell repair, growth, and most importantly energy. In all, digestion is essentially important because of the advantages it gives to us in the form of energy. Without the energy produced from consuming, a human body cannot be fully functional. In the experiment, the enzyme, Beano, worked most efficiently at a temperature of about  40oC. As mentioned in discussion, this is because the optimum temperature for human digestion is approximately 37oC. That temperature is linked to the brain as a the human body temperature in which the human body operates at its best. Beano working most efficiently at 40oC can be explained because that temperature is approximately body temperature. Other varying  temperatures are not quite as efficient as body temperature because the human body breaks down glucose at its best. On the contrary, Beano worked least efficiently on the refried beans at an approximate temperature of 90oC. The reason behind this is that 90oC is way too hot for digestive organs to obtain nutrients. In turn, glucose cannot be absorbed which explains why the line in Figure 1 which represents 90cC did not increase throughout the course of the entire twenty-five minutes. Alpha-galactosidase is a glycoside hydrolase enzyme that is inside Beano extract to make it work. The enzymes in Beano helps with digestion, bloating, and reducing gas by increasing the rate of digestion. In the experiment, Beano was mixed with refried beans to increase the rate of glucose extraction from the beans. Refried beans were used because the starch inside the beans is difficult to digest which causes troubles such as methane gas (farting). The Beano was used with the refried beans to digest the beans easily. Another reason why the refried beans were used is because the enzyme, Beano, was created specifically for beans as beans are foods that are typically difficult to digest. When experimenting with different independent variables, it is better to have all lines on the same graph. Why? Well the graph of Figure 1 was used to compare different glucose concentration at different temperatures. Mentioned several times before, about 40 degrees Celsius worked best because it is body temperature. In this case, the line that represented 40oC can be compared to the other varying temperatures because of the fact that all of the lines were put on the same graph. In a lab very similar to the Beano experiment, peas were used instead of refried beans. The lab had the same concept and measured glucose concentration over time. Instead of using different temperatures for each line, the peas were differentiated by 25% pea extract solution,  50% pea extract solution, and 100% pea extract solution. All three solutions were tested at a temperature of 25oC. Each line increases as opposed to the lines of Figure 1 because it does not include temperature and it is different solutions being digested over time. It can be concluded that the 100% solution was digested the best. References Varki,A. (1993). Biologicalrolesof oligosaccharides:allof thetheoriesarecorrect[Abstract]. GlycoBiology.RetrievedDecember20, 2016, from Sissons, J. (1983). Effectsof soya-beanproductson digestiveprocesses inthegastrointestinal tractof preruminantcalves[Abstract].41(1), 53-53. RetrievedDecember20, 2016, from eeffects-of-soya-bean-products-on-digestive-processes-in-the-gastrointestinal-tract-of-prerumina nt-calvesdiv/829E6E65CF3E213E31E10230E100A3C8. Levin,R.(n.d.). Digestionandabsorptionof carbohydratesfrommoleculesandmembranesto humans.[Abstract].ClinicalNutrition.RetrievedDecember20, 2016, from Gureco.HumanDigestiveSystem DigestiveEnzymes andDrinkingColdWaterafterMeal. (2015, June 24). RetrievedDecember20, 2016, from ater-after-Meal Woolnough. 1.W. (2010). The Effect of a Brief Salivary a-Amylase Exposure During Chewing on Subsequent in Vitro Starch Digestion Curve Profiles. Retrieved December 21. 2016. from

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Speckled Band and Lamb to the slaughter :: English Literature

Discussing The Speckled Band and Lamb to the slaughter. British writer, creator Sherlock Holmes, the best-known detective in literature and the embodiment of sharp reasoning. Doyle himself was not a good example of rational personality: he believed in fairies and was interested in occultism. Sherlock Holmes stories have been translated into more than fifty languages, and made into plays, films, radio and television series, a musical comedy, a ballet, cartoons, comic books, and advertisement. By 1920 Doyle was one of the most highly paid writers in the world. --'This is indeed a mystery,' I remarked. 'What do you imagine that it means?' --'I have no data yet. It is a capital mistake to theorise before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts...' --(from 'A Scandal in Bohemia', 1891) Arthur Conan Doyle was born at Picardy Place, Edinburgh, as the son of Charles Altamont Doyle, a civil servant in the Edinburgh Office of Works, and Mary (Foley) Doyle. Both of Doyle's parents were Roman Catholics. To increase his income Charles Altamont painted, made book illustrations, and also worked as a sketch artist on criminal trials. Not long after arriving Edinburgh he started to drink, he suffered from epilepsy and was eventually institutionalized. Doyle's mother was interested in literature, and she encouraged his son to take to books. Doyle read voluminously. At the age of fourteen he had learned French so that he read Jules Verne in the author's original language. Later Doyle's second wife, Jean, said: "My husband's mother was a very remarkable and highly cultured woman. She had a dominant personality, wrapped up on the most charming womanly exterior." Charles Altamot died in an asylum in 1893; in the same year Doyle decided to finish permanently the adventures of his master detective. Because of financial problems, Doyle's mother kept a boarding house. Dr. Tsukasa Kobayashi has alluded in an article, that Doyle's mother had a long affair with Bryan Charles Waller, a lodger and a student of pathology, who had a deep impact to Conan Doyle. Doyle was educated in Jesuit schools. During this period Doyle lost his belief in the Roman Catholic faith but the training of the Jesuits influenced deeply his mental development. Later he used his friends and teachers from Stonyhurst College as models for his characters in the Holmes stories, among them two boys named Moriarty. He studied at Edinburgh University and in 1884 he married Louise Hawkins. Doyle qualified as doctor in 1885. After graduation Doyle practiced medicine as an eye specialist at Southsea near Porsmouth in Hampshire until 1891 when he became a full time writer.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Waiting for Superman

Brad Mitchell Ms. Campbell ENG 101 01 October 2012 Waiting for ‘Superman’ The film â€Å"Waiting for Superman† follows five children as they have to struggle through a system of conflicting education regulations and avoid the academic pitfalls that are public schools in order to receive a proper education that may guarantee them a career. The film, directed by Davis Guggenheim, asserts the claim that Teachers' Unions are a main problem to public education, and that charter schools are the safest and most definite method to ensure that a student acquires a proper education.While the film was created with good intentions to improve the education of American students, it has been dismissed by most due to the film seeming to demonize Teachers’ Unions and overly-praising charter school systems. Although public schools have indeed faltered since the 1970’s, it does not mean that private schools and charter schools are the go-to solution. The truth is, publ ic school systems have been proven to perform just as well as, if not better than, the charter schools that the film seemingly praises as a definitive solution.An article from The Washington Post by Rick Ayers talks about a survey run by the Center for Research on Education Outcomes, or CREDO, saying that it â€Å"concludes that only 17% of charter schools have better test scores than traditional public schools, 46% had gains that were no different than their public counterparts, and 37% were significantly worse. † (Ayers. ) Another popular argument that the film expresses is that the Teachers' Unions should be reformed because the regulations that the unions created make it nearly impossible to fire a bad teacher.Although Teachers' Unions do have room for improvement, throughout history and across the globe the unions have done more good than harm. The American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association were created to abolish the discriminatory pay rates between male and female teachers, and to establish a firm group to ensure that changes to school systems would not be made without representation and that teachers as a whole would not get the short end of the stick. Waiting for Superman† highlights Finland as having one of the best school systems in the world, while in fact ninety-percent of the Finnish labor force is operated by unions. Dana Goldstein wrote in an article for The Nation: You also don't learn that in the Finnish education system, much cited in the film as the best in the world, teachers are—gasp! —unionized and granted tenure, and families benefit from a cradle-to-grave social welfare system that includes universal daycare, preschool and healthcare, all of which are proven to help children achieve better results at school. Goldstein. ) The film also continuously bashes tenure as ‘good idea turned horribly wrong’, saying that it allows bad teachers to sit in class and do nothing to te ach their students without risk of being fired. Tenure was created to ensure that university professors would not be fired for political reasons or when there was a change in administration. When it branched out to public schools, tenure protected every teacher from being replaced due to absurd reasons like race, religion, or sexual preference.Several surveys have shown that most principals say they would indeed have the authority to fire a terrible teacher if the need arises. The other main point that â€Å"Waiting for Superman† argues about is the funding of public schools versus the funding of charter schools. Public schools are federally funded, meaning that decisions made concerning the school and its administration are made by the state, which fall under a set of federal regulations.Charter schools, however, are privately funded, originally by parents and teachers who were committed enough to start a school under their brand of administration and regulations, as time we nt on, though, more people created their own charter schools mainly for the purpose of gaining more money from applicants and showing little care for the education of students, if only to keep their charter school operating. â€Å"Waiting for Superman† has received both positive and negative reviews since its debut in September 2010. Many critics say that the film is little more than charter school propaganda.While it may seem that way, especially with all the accusations of statistical inaccuracy, the film should not be completely ignored. Davis Guggenheim has fulfilled the purpose of the movie by raising awareness about the quality of public education, and alerting the public to the mess that is the work of Teachers' Unions and theirs' and the governments' conflicting regulations. The United States government and the people of the public must work together and reform and improve the nation's education system for the benefit of their children in the short run, and for the be nefit of their nation in the long run.Works Cited Dana Goldstein. â€Å"Grading ‘Waiting for Superman'. † The Nation. 23 September 2010. The Nation. 20 September 2012. . Rick Ayers. â€Å"The Answer Sheet. † The Washington Post. 27 September 2010. The Washington Post. 20 September 2012. . fairtest. â€Å"The Real Facts About ‘Waiting for Superman'. † FairTest. 29 September 2010. n. p. 20 September 2012. .

Friday, November 8, 2019

Prosody and the Music of Speech

Prosody and the Music of Speech In phonetics, prosody (or suprasegmental phonology)  is  the use of pitch, loudness, tempo, and rhythm in speech to convey information about the structure and meaning of an utterance. Alternatively, in literary studies prosody is the theory and principles of versification, especially in reference to rhythm, accent and stanza. In speech as opposed to composition, there are no full stops or capital letters, no grammatical ways in which to add emphasis as in writing. Instead, speakers utilize prosody to add inflection and depth to statements and arguments, altering stress, pitch, loudness and tempo, which can then be translated into writing to achieve the same effect. Further, prosody does not rely on the sentence as a basic unit, unlike in composition, often utilizing fragments and spontaneous pauses between thoughts and ideas for emphasis. This allows more versatility of language dependent on stress and intonation. Functions of Prosody Unlike morphemes and phonemes in composition, features of prosody cannot be assigned meaning based on their use alone, rather based on usage and contextual factors to ascribe meaning to the particular utterance. Rebecca L. Damron notes in Prosodic Schemas that recent work in the field take into consideration such aspects of interaction as how prosody can signal speakers intentions in the discourse, rather than relying solely on semantics and the phrasing itself. The interplay between grammar and other situational factors, Damron posits, are intimately connected with pitch and tone, and called for a move away from describing and analyzing prosodic features as discrete units. As a result, prosody can be utilized in a number of ways, including segmentation, phrasing, stress, accentuation and phonological distinctions in tone languages - as Christophe dAlessandro puts it in Voice Source Parameters and Prosodic Analysis, a given sentence in a given context generally expresses much more than its linguistic content wherein the same sentence, with the same linguistic content may have plenty of different expressive contents or pragmatic meanings. What Determines Prosody The determining factors of these expressive contents are what help define the context and meaning of any given prosody. According to dAlessandro these include the identity of the speaker, her/his attitude, mood, ages, sex, sociolinguistic group and other extralinguistic features.   Pragmatic meaning, too, help determine the prosodys intended purpose, including the attitudes of both the speaker and audience - ranging from aggressive to submissive - as well as the relationship between the speaker and the subject matter - his or her belief, confidence or assertiveness in the field. Pitch is a great way to also determine meaning, or at least be able to ascertain the beginnings and endings of thought. David Crystal describes the relationship in Rediscover Grammar wherein he states we know whether [the thought] is complete or not by the pitch of the voice. If the pitch is rising ... there are more items to come. If it is falling ... there is nothing further to come. In any way you use it, prosody is pivotal to successful public speaking, allowing the speaker to convey a broad range of meaning in as few words as possible, relying instead on context and cues to the audience in their speech patterns.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Chicago vs. Turabian (3 Key Questions)

Chicago vs. Turabian (3 Key Questions) Chicago vs. Turabian (3 Key Questions) There are many referencing systems used in academic writing. And many of these systems look similar at first glance. But possibly the most confusing are â€Å"Chicago† and â€Å"Turabian† style referencing. How do they differ? And does it matter which one you use? Let us explain. 1. What Are Chicago and Turabian Referencing? When people refer to â€Å"Chicago referencing,† they mean the citation style set out in The Chicago Manual of Style. Sometimes known as CMoS for short, this style guide is published by the University of Chicago Press and aimed at professional scholars and publishers. â€Å"Turabian referencing,† meanwhile, refers to the citation style set out in Kate L. Turabian’s Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. But this is actually a simplified version of the citation style in CMoS, aimed specifically at students and focused on academic writing. Style manuals published by the University of Chicago Press. 2. How Do Chicago and Turabian Differ? In practice, there are no real differences between â€Å"Chicago† and â€Å"Turabian† referencing. You can see this if you look at the examples of Turabian and Chicago book citations from the CMoS site: Chicago 1. Zadie Smith, Swing Time  (New York: Penguin Press, 2016), 315–16. Turabian 2. Katie Kitamura, A Separation (New York: Riverhead Books, 2017), 25. As you can see, the format here is identical in each case. The same is true for other source types. There are some differences between the two style guides as a whole. But these simply reflect the Turabian style guide’s focus on students rather than publishers. As such, the Turabian guide: Is significantly shorter than the full CMoS due to not including information about preparing book manuscripts and journal articles for publication Contains a section on how to write and structure a research paper Features less information on grammar, spelling, and word usage Turabian is therefore much better if you are looking for specific advice on writing a college paper rather than a general style guide. 3. Which Referencing System Should I Use? The Chicago and Turabian style guides are tailored to different audiences, so you may want to use the one most suited to your needs. However, both style guides recommend the same approach to referencing sources, so it does not make a difference from this perspective. In other words, advice on how to cite a source in Chicago referencing will also apply to Turabian referencing. And advice on Turabian referencing will apply to Chicago style, too. The more important question is which version of Chicago/Turabian referencing you’re using: Notes and bibliography style, which requires referencing sources in footnotes as well as giving publication information in a bibliography. Author–date style, which uses in-text citations plus a reference list. As a general rule, footnote referencing is more common in the humanities, while author–date referencing is used in the physical and social sciences. However, make sure to check your school’s style guide or ask a professor if you are not 100% sure about which approach to use in your work.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

If Crime is Normal why is so much Effort Devoted to its Control Essay

If Crime is Normal why is so much Effort Devoted to its Control - Essay Example Every human being has free will and free choice, they have the mentality to know right from wrong and they choose what path to take. This, from a sociological and psychological perspective is considered to be normal behavior in society. Thereby criminal intentions and actions are norms in the world even though they go against the very morals that societies have established. This is perhaps why law enforcement attempts to control and minimize these adversities even though they are everyday forms of existence as well. Again, even though crime is an existential part of existence, it is considered by many to be similar to a plague that has not been able to be washed away from society completely and therefore has remained for decades. Because of this many theorizations about crime have developed to analyze why it exists, why it has become something that is looked upon as normal, and what the causes of it actually are as well. Dolan, a criminological researcher, and writer (1994) claim that crime has become something so familiar in society, basically due to the classical socioeconomic causes of it. This can be traced as far back as the 15th century in England, when a crime was at times rampant and extremely violent, more so than it even is today. Crime in the 1500's took on the form of petty treason among servants and sometimes even the owners of these servants as well. From this it developed into more severe atrocities in society, sometimes becoming murder where the deceitful wife killed her husband as he slept, and even on to more dramatic forms of crime that took England by storm such as the crimes of "Jack the Ripper" (Valier 2003, pg. 34). The issues of crime in society are at times spell-binding and even terrifying as they take many forms and have the capability of taking place anywhere at any time, again placing them as a severe adversity in society, but quite normal activity among human beings all over the world.  

Friday, November 1, 2019

Managing time and stress Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Managing time and stress - Essay Example Furthermore, the report will give a 12-month implementation plan of good management. Management is an application of coordination in an organization to accomplish its mission and visions. This is necessary because the firm can attain maximum profits with minimum resources. Time management is utilizing the least time possible to achieve maximum production. Stress management is the act of a person controlling his stress level by participating in stress removal activities, like counseling. An effective management is the most important thing in the organization; it helps in time and stress management. The firm will achieve high results while the business will grow to great heights. There are many trends in management. These trends are the reasons for competitive markets in the world today. Managers put these trends into consideration and apply them in the environment of their business. Not all managers can cope with these trends because it requires efficiency. It needs management, which has a vision in its undertakings and is ready to face any risk ahead. This paper is going to highlight the current trends in management. Various characteristics define good management. This is the base for effective management. An efficient manager provides the firms visions (Birkinshaw, 2013). An employee may provide a proposal that could lead to success, and it needs the hands of the manager to implement the idea. A good manager with vision will outline the importance of the idea and guide his firm on what to do. An effective management brings clarity in the organization. They are the ones to lead by example. When a task is hard to be completed, the management has to bring in experts to help sort out the problem. Believing is important for management to be effective. They should believe in the trends that affect management and apply them in their institutions. This gives confidence to other employees, and they will work